Month: September 2014

A Flooded Flow of Delusion

Triangle of conversion
Triangle of conversion

In the mingles of an angleless  corner of a delusional epistemic  existance of a compelling flooding flow,

In the echotic rendering sights of self reconciliating  sbujecation of unplausible  unjustified self justification of fabricated reveries  of equating nothingness,

In the stunted provisional visual imagery of precedent triangle of conversion

to that eternally forcing attention

of all there ever have been and the corresponding averted repulsion

of defining all the intangible definitions

 in that castle of existing constitutionality of an axis

of  self perspective cosmos  where an interchangeable

perpendicular octo-dimensional triangle can persist

in a one existing compelling parallel mind of infinite

universalties  in abrupt clarity of regularly irregular regularity of chaotic regulism

into focalising  centralties

of attention onto the untargeted territory of focusedness

in the settling frustrating devastation of these finite

determinedly unbounded axial spatiality of the cosmo-humniculus

evolutionizing  existance.